Projectile Motion

Projectile Motion, or sometimes called Parabolic Motion, is a superposition of two motions. They are accelerated motion in y axis and motion with constant velocity in X axis. We often see the application of this concept in soccer, the launching of the canon ball and even a sniper has to learn this concept.

In order to understand this concept, you have to recall what you have learned at tenth grade, because we will apply the concept of velocity and acceleration to explain this motion. You also need to read the method of drawing and adding two vectors.

Here, I provide you with a learning resource and an assignments. What you have to do is to download the learning resource and answer the questions given in assignments paper. Your assignments must be submitted before this semester ended. Send your assignment paper in the form of pdf file, and send it to my e mail: .

Here are the link

Presentasi parabola


Tugas Parabola

Indicator for SAT (Continued)

After uploading the indicators for the SAT (material from 2nd year), today I will give you the indicators of the material from 1st year. Here is the link:

indikator 1st year

As I will be very busy for a couple of days, I can not give you the exercises problem. So through this post I suggest you to learn the material well, based on the indicators that I gave you. If you understand the indicators, I guarantee that you can answer the test correctly.

Good Luck!!! 🙂

Indicators for SAT??

Sorry for being late…. 😦

After some students protested me ’bout my promise to upload the indicators, finally I can uploadt it now. I can only give you 25 indicators. Those indicators are the material from XI grade. For the rest of the indicators, you must find them out y youself.

Later, I’m gonna give you some exercises to make you understand the material better

Click this link to download:

indikator sat

Catch ya later 🙂

Bahan Diskusi Elastisitas

Minggu depan kita akan belajar tentang elastisitas. Pada pokok bahasan ini kita akan belajar tentang pegas, gaya pemulih dan juga Simple Harmonic Motion.Catatlah kata-kata yang sulit dan temukan maknanya, agar kalian tidak mengalami kesulitan saat tes.

Di akhir pembelajaran di minggu depan, kita akan melaksanakan quiz tentang elastisitas.


Circular Motion

Minggu depan, pembelajaran sudah aktif lagi. Materi yang akan kita bahas di minggu depan ini adalah Gerak melingkar. Setelah pembelajaran gerak melingkar ini selesai, maka akan dilaksanakan quiz mengenai gerak parabola dan gerak melingkar. Minggu depannya kita akan mengadakan ulangan blok. Jadi mohon bersiap-siap ya.

Oh ya, kali ini saya posting materi dan bahan diskusi tentang gerak melingkar. Mohon dibaca, lalu didiskusikan dengan teman 1 tim. Ingat, jika 1 orang gagal, maka seluruh anggota tim gagal. Jawablah semua pertanyaan yang diberikan dengan baik, dan pahami maksudnya

Klik link di bawah ini untuk mendownload


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